“I love what I do….The land that I work, ….The grapes, the vines, the air, sun and breeze, Our village, Verduno. All of these sentiments and elements joined together create the identity of I Bre.”-Corrado Brero
We are proud in the knowledge that the wines of I Bre will play an important part in someone else’s song, dance, joy and love. Our mission is to extract from nature the essence of her bounty and share with you what you hold in the glass.
Our production philosophy is to blend the best traditional methods of wine making that we have learned and practiced for the last two generations with the most advanced technological innovation.
Winemaking is a slow process that requires day to day attention to each grapevine, ensuring that it is healthy and resilient. It is a tradition that requires attention to the most miniscule changes in micro-climates that can impact growth; knowledge of every aspect of the terrior, and above all patience. When this tradition is respected and carefully blended with the innovative machinery of today that assist in the detailed monitoring of every step-from seed, to plant, to harvest, to the art and science of production, and finally bottling-what you have is a final product that embodies something much more than distilled grapes. What you have is our wine.
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